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Template:ExternalMediaLink helps with formatting for external media links such as interviews or image galleries.
- date= Please use YYYY-MM-DD format for proper alignment.
- link= Full url with a direct link such as http://www.example.com/test.html. This variable is not optional.
- title= Title of the link. The headline provided by the source is most often the best choice here.
- by= Name of author if available, if not can use name of organization or website.
- of= If name of author is known, you can add the organization they represent here. Do not include full URLs here. (Teamliquid or Teamliquid.net but not http://Teamliquid.net)
- event= Name of event, this will create an internal link if you do not use the next parameter.
- event-link= If article link on Liquipedia is not pretty, use this to hide the link path.
- Set this to false if you do not wish to have the event parameter create an internal link.
- language= Use this to indicate which language an interview is in, use corresponding country codes (i.e. se for Swedish, kr for Korean, fr for French, etc.).
- Leave this field empty if the interview is in English.
- trans_title= Use this to provide a translation of the title in english.
- translation= Use this to indicate which language an interview is translated into.
- translator= Name of the translator if available.
- type= Type of External Media Link [Preview/Conclusion/Interview/Highlight/Gallery/Other]
Copy/Paste Code
*{{ExternalMediaLink |date= |link= |title= |by= |of= |event= |event-link= |language= |trans_title= |translation= |translator= |type= }}
Short form:
*{{ExternalMediaLink |date= |link= |title= |by= |of= |event= |event-link= |language= |translation= |type= }}
*{{ExternalMediaLink |date=2012-02-13 |link=http://example.com |title="Noam: Je serais le meilleur codeur de template de l'hémisphère nord l'année prochaine" |by=the gnome |of=Liquipedia.net |event=the Liquipedia yearly convention |event-link=false |language=fr |trans_title="Noam: I will be the best template coder on the nothern hemisphere by next year" |translation=usuk |translator=somebody |type=interview }}
- 2012-02-13 |
"Noam: Je serais le meilleur codeur de template de l'hémisphère nord l'année prochaine" ["Noam: I will be the best template coder on the nothern hemisphere by next year"] by the gnome of Liquipedia.net at the Liquipedia yearly convention (trans. Template:Flag/usuk by somebody)